About Real Love

Watch this short introduction to replacing your fear and confusion with peace and happiness.

Real Love® is Probably Not What You Think

Real Love is a practical, life-changing process that replaces all the “crazy” with peace, confidence and meaning in every area of your life: personally, in relationships, as a parent, in the workplace, and more.


It's not weak, and it's not fleeting, and it never makes you feel small or manipulated. Nearly every day, most people ask some form of this question, and it tends to fry their brains. Why? Because it's the wrong question.

The REAL question is, "What is Unconditional Love?" That is so different from what most people have ever known that we're going to call it Real Love®. THAT is the kind of "love" we all NEED. 

With Real Love there is no disappointment, impatience, irritation, or anger. Wow, now that is different—so different that most people have never truly felt it.


Who doesn’t love a quick fix? But I cannot offer you ten quick and easy steps to overcome a lifetime of pain and confusion. They don’t exist. But never again do you have to wander around in head-scratching frustration, because you’ll be following easy-to-understand principles that work.

If you’re committed to learning how to become loving and fulfilled, then I’M committed to helping you. I’ve dedicated my LIFE to helping YOU. Together we’ll change YOUR world. Together we’ll change THE world. You’re not alone.  

We’ll do this together.


You’ll finally learn real reasons you often become angry, confused, and fearful. That’s a huge step toward finding a solution for you and the people close to you. 

You won’t feel isolated. Your days of feeling alone are over. You’ll have access to me and others who are able to help you while you implement these proven, satisfying, successful principles that result in loving, confidence and responsibility—happiness!—for you and the people close to you.

 You won’t be fooled anymore by the traditional self-help paths that never, ever work. Instead, you will learn a very practical and easier way to navigate your daily life fearlessly.

Since We Started:

Documentaries About Real Love®


Real Love books, CDs & DVDs


Worldwide Seminars


Radio and TV Programs


Happy Families

My Journey
Greg Baer, M.D.

Seeking Happiness through Success

Like most of us, I was told as a child that if I did all the right things—set my goals high, worked hard, and followed the rules along the way—I would accomplish great things. And it was further implied that, as a result, I would grow up to be happy. All our lives, we’ve heard people declare that they’d be happy if only they had more money, or a better job, or more sex, or a bigger house, or more opportunity to travel, or something else. I was determined to ensure my future happiness by having an abundance of all those things and more, and from an early age I worked hard to earn them.

I was valedictorian of my high school class, finished college in two and a half years, and received the highest honors in medical school. After completing my internship and specialty training in eye surgery, I eventually established one of the most successful ophthalmology practices in the country. I performed thousands of operations and taught other physicians locally and across the country. I was a leader in my church and in the local Boy Scout organization. I had everything money could buy, and I was a husband and the father of five beautiful children.

Something was Missing

By the time I reached my late thirties, I’d accomplished almost every goal I’d ever set for myself, but despite all my successes, I slowly came to the terrible realization that I had not achieved the happiness I’d been promised. When I was standing in front of a group of physicians, teaching the latest surgical techniques, and everyone was admiring me for my knowledge, I felt relatively satisfied with my life for the moment. And some of those expensive vacations were exciting while I was actually in those far-off, exotic places. But when I was all alone, with nothing to distract me, I knew something was missing—I just didn’t know what it was. I couldn’t have worked any harder. I’d done everything I’d been assured would bring me the happiness I wanted, but still something was wanting.

I found it difficult to sleep at night and began to take some of the sleeping pills we kept at the office for post-surgical patients. When those were no longer effective, I took other tranquilizers, and before long I was injecting narcotics every night. I rationalized my drug addiction for a long time, but it increasingly affected my behavior and my emotional health. Then, one evening, as I sat in the woods behind my house with a loaded Smith and Wesson 10mm semi-automatic pressed to my head, I finally realized that I couldn’t rationalize my behavior any longer. I knew I needed to do something about my life.

Drug Rehab and Searching for Happiness

I went to an in-patient drug treatment facility, and after my discharge I participated in several twelve-step programs for a while. Getting off the drugs saved my life, but it only put me back where I’d been when I started using them. I was still desperately missing something, but this time I was determined to find out what it was. I tried individual and group therapy, support groups, men’s groups, New Age techniques, and Native American spiritual groups, among others. Each had wisdom to offer, but the old emptiness I felt was not being filled.

In my searching, I found many others whose feelings were similar to mine. Most of them hadn’t been addicted to drugs, but they all were missing the profound happiness they’d always hoped for in their lives. We began to meet together in our homes, where we tried a variety of techniques I’d experienced or read about. Gradually, we eliminated the things that didn’t work, and we discovered some principles that were astonishingly simple and effective. People who had been unhappy for a long time, in many cases despite years of therapy, were finding the first genuine happiness they’d ever known.

Finding Happiness

As we began to figure out what worked, I started writing down what we’d learned, handing out a few pages at a time to the men and women who participated in those early “experiments.” Eventually, my observations became two self-published books that have now been read by hundreds of thousands. I’ve shared these principles with people all over the country, and as they’ve applied them, their lives have changed in remarkable ways.

When I was trying to fill my emptiness, and later, as I was learning to change my life, I made many mistakes as a person, a husband, and a father. Among other things, those mistakes caused the end of my twenty-two year marriage. Learning—as I discovered—can be very expensive. Now I’m deeply gratified to see the results of what I’ve learned, and to share it all with you. My second wife and I are the parents of seven children between us, and we’re happier than we’d ever imagined it was possible to be.

Sharing Happiness

I have written and produced more than twenty books, CDs, and DVDs on the subjects of unconditional love (Real Love®), relationships, dating, marriage, parenting, conflict resolution and rehabilitation, which have been translated into many languages and sold to millions worldwide. I am considered an international expert on these subjects.

I counsel individuals, couples, families, and corporations from all over the world.

I train psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage therapists, and coaches worldwide who have discovered that traditional therapy is grossly ineffective. I teach them how they can make a real and lasting difference in the individual happiness of their clients and in the ability of their clients to participate in fulfilling relationships.

I founded a Non-Profit organization, The Real Love Company, dedicated to teaching the real meaning of love, replacing anger and confusion with peace and confidence in individual lives and relationships.

I started RealLoveParents.com which uses these teachings to give parents the "instruction book" they didn't get—but need—to learn how to raise happy and responsible children.

I am dedicated to helping create a generation of emotionally stable adults by teaching parents NOW how to raise happy and responsible children. Effective parents experience more joy and have naturally eliminated a need to respond to stress. Happy and responsible children grow to be effective leaders in their own families and in society.

My goal is to teach you the real meaning of love, replacing anger and confusion with peace and confidence in your individual life and in your relationships. I can help you.

Our Commitment to You

Practice the principles taught on RealLove.com and by your coach and you’ll gain an entirely new and elevated perspective on life and relationships, and with that vision you’ll have the power to replace confusion and conflict with the happiness you’ve always wanted. The wide variety of educational tools are always available to keep your learning experience fresh, exciting, and fun.


We believe that “with Real Love, nothing else matters; without it, nothing else is enough.” Real Love is the missing piece of the puzzle—in life and relationships. With the help of your coach,  you’ll learn not only what you’ve been missing and why, but also where and how to get it. 

I'm dedicated to helping you become a powerful and effective person and to help you feel loved, to be loving and responsible.

What our participants say:

My life changed direction

"I have wanted to change the direction of my life for more than 70 years, but I haven’t known how. Real Love is the road map I have been looking for my entire life. I am beyond words at just how grateful I am to have it in my life now. I am absolutely committed to implement what I learned and felt: trusting, giving and accepting unconditional love, eliminating anger from my life, eliminating criticism and controlling, and just embracing the joy of life."

Jodie A.

(Hamburg Germany)


Wonderful role model.

" After attending decades of trainings, seminars and workshops, the weekend with you was uniquely refreshing. The time flashed by, and you were wonderfully entertaining, as well as brutally honest and open. I learned a ton and enjoyed every minute. You are a wonderful role model for all who are learning about Real Love."

Tim G.

( Therapist, Atlanta, GA, USA)


Now I have an amazing life.

" Greg’s commitment to teach and love us blew me away — he never took a break from morning to night and kept on seeing people well after the event. He is so real and so easy to understand. I can not WAIT till the next opportunity to learn from him… Amazing Man… Amazing Principles… Now I can have an Amazing Life.."

Bev M.

( Chicago, USA)


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